Nicole Lacey
MEGA Fitual / VIBE / Ritual
What is it you love about The Fitual/teaching at The Fitual?
The community! It's challenging to find your people when you move to a new country and after my first class at The Fitual, I knew immediately that I felt connected. It's home away from home!
Advice to a first-timer?
Be patient and kind to yourself. Try all the formats more than once! Muscle memory needs time to grow.
What is your favourite Mega move, Ritual move, and Vibe move? Why?
Mega: Giant reverse kneeling crunch! You can't not have a sore core after!
Ritual: Anything with the band to get the glutes on fire! Vibe- Kneeling narrow rows with a band AND a heavy weight.
What can one expect from your class?
They tend to be a sneaky burn, once you feel it there's no going back.
Favourite quote:
Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.
― Brad Meltzer