Allyson Gin
MEGA Fitual / VIBE / Fitual / Ritual
What is it you love about The Fitual/teaching at The Fitual?
I love that the space is so inclusive of people of all different experiences/ages. It is so rewarding seeing how clients evolve in strength and confidence.
Advice to a first-timer?
Come early to introduce yourself to the instructor and tour the studio. This will make you feel less nervous/anxious and give you time to hear what to expect. Approach new classes with an open mind! - everyone starts somewhere
What is your favourite move on the Mega? What about off the Mega in Studio 1?
My favourite mega move is any variation of kneeling crunch and is the best for connecting with your deep core! My favourite move for studio one are deadlifts!
What can one expect from your class?
High energy organized chaos in the best way.
Favourite quote:
Movement is therapy.